Serving Customers

Managing Energy Bills During Extreme Summer Heat 

August 13, 2024

This summer has been one of the hottest in the Greater Philadelphia region in the past 50 years, and these record temperatures could lead to higher-than-average energy bills for customers. With the highest customer assistance program participation in Pennsylvania, PECO remains committed to helping customers manage their energy bills. 

PECO connects customers with income-qualified programs to assist with past-due balance forgiveness, energy efficiency upgrades, hardship grants and referrals to other services. With PECO’s Assistance Finder, customers can determine and narrow down which programs are best for them based on income, household size, and other information. There are a variety of programs available to eligible customers, including: 

For more information about PECO’s financial assistance programs, including enrollment support and eligibility information, customers can visit

Beyond financial assistance programs, PECO offers Budget Billing, which averages payments over a 12-month period and helps avoid seasonal spikes by providing a consistent monthly bill. Customers can activate this benefit directly within their PECO account.   

Efficient energy management also remains crucial during the summer. Through PECO’s MyAccount, customers can monitor their energy use, set up high usage alerts, access tips to reduce energy costs and learn which appliances are using the most energy. Additionally, customers are encouraged to take advantage of energy efficiency programs, including: 

  • In-home Energy Assessment: PECO’s In-home Energy Assessment offers personalized recommendations to help you save energy and reduce your bills. A certified energy advisor visits your home to identify energy-saving opportunities and provides a detailed report outlining specific actions you can take. 
  • Marketplace: The PECO Marketplace is an online store where customers can purchase energy-efficient products such as smart thermostats, LED lighting, and water-saving devices, often at discounted prices and with the convenience of direct delivery. 
  • Appliance Rebates: PECO’s Appliance Rebates program provides financial incentives for customers who purchase energy-efficient appliances. By choosing eligible models, customers can receive rebates that help offset the initial cost and contribute to long-term energy savings. 

Customers can also manage their energy usage and potentially reduce their bills this summer by taking a few simple steps: 

  • Turn it off: Turn off all unnecessary lighting and devices. 
  • Manage your thermostat: Keep thermostats at a constant, comfortable level when at home. Raise the thermostat setting for days of extreme heat to save even more. Install a programmable thermostat to automatically adjust your temperature settings when you are away or sleeping. 
  • Keep shades, blinds and curtains closed: About 40 percent of unwanted heat comes through windows. Simply closing blinds and curtains, which act as a layer of insulation, can reduce heat in your home. 
  • Use ceiling fans to circulate air: For those without air conditioning, use ceiling fans or portable fans with the windows partially open to circulate fresh air into your home. For those with air conditioning, fans can be used to evenly distribute cool air. 
  • Use appliances wisely: Run appliances that produce heat (like clothes dryers, ovens, and dishwashers) at night when it is cooler. 
  • Service your AC: Make sure to replace or clean the air filters for your cooling system at least once a month (or as often as recommended by the manufacturer) and have your system serviced regularly. 
